In medical imaging, it is important that there be a visual consistency in how a given digital image appears, whether viewed, for example, on the display monitor of a workstation or as a film on a light-box. In the absence of any standard that regulates how these images are to be visually presented on any device, a digital image that has good diagnostic value when viewed on one device could look very different and have greatly reduced diagnostic value when viewed on another device. Accordingly, PS3.14 was developed to provide an objective, quantitative mechanism for mapping digital image values into a given range of Luminance. An application that knows this relationship between digital values and display Luminance can produce better visual consistency in how that image appears on diverse display devices. The relationship that PS3.14 defines between digital image values and displayed Luminance is based upon measurements and models of human perception over a wide range of Luminance, not upon the characteristics of any one image presentation device or of any one imaging modality. It is also not dependent upon user preferences, which can be more properly handled by other constructs such as the DICOM Presentation Lookup Table.
eFILM workstation 3.4 452