Not afraid of getting into the fray with enemies the Engineer can be found wielding large melee weapons, cannons or a traditional shield and single handed weapon. Unique to the Engineer is their version of the charge mechanic where you can build charges with certain skills or passives and then consume those charges for additional effects of specific skills. They are a flexible Torchlight 2 hero with the best Engineer build heavily influenced by your party size. While a solo Engineer will want a build that focuses on the offensive or summon options of the class a party tank will likely want to invest in defensive options instead.
v" -s W F M t'-Si,- wPHmiwrTHE NfcW YORKMONDAY IIOBJIHJfO, OCTOBER 17, M.eAtoitJsemeist Barly.via MIC MM nwi nmw a-venuonthee ear MMr mevwieg mw. end t I very qeeiraulaw erwrrthbvl MnMlv lawertioa MinUlK bana-4 ha Won tWM ftiack.Bnniili Itfcwi tbnwil.Wl nava already noticed tbe nmmnl tigUnatad by 'I Bumber of Democrats' belonging; towhat U tailed "the wealthy and respectabledm,1-' their object being UcoaUol, If pos-IMa,the party wowitaallcnt to municipal oftioea, andassist la aleg tb Tmo-xtla Bute Ticket,lb rwl swiker,"', however, in tba movementi t.-stas vt poUtlctsna who hare ofteapupjfli trMt and .tad tba party machine forlb Mian Peasant of their w Interest and am-Utw-ast.The) UU of samae of wealthy andpoaabaent dtlrentwbfch-hare lMa publishedla him of tha tlty banal at supporting anataking part la the Bovemeat an displayed for&ot,iu three fonrtUof t gentleman namedara of the easy-go', comfortable order, whorawly or never alter actively Into politicalrt-fltettt.rrom a elsil rsvvnv-nt of tbl kind, managedby , t,w ahrerd profcwfona! politician, verylittle la tba wry of substantial reform tan lieexpected. Teefltct any permanent good In tbijdly, there mut be a general and Independenttnevemeal teiglaallng among and carried on byIka peep'e. Tiniest our cUIiens our worklngmaa aa eraO at oar wealth nia-chanta can beIndnord ta teaqaer their pertltan feellngt andJola heartily In an effort to rooco oar dty fromtba rala of corrupt cliques, no genuine reformcan be accomplished.It bile a few men ta tha different party organUatloaa ran control all nominations and virtually control tba election, tbere la little bop ofoarfcarrfcg booest and efficient KOTemment,IfaaeWialU office through tba machinery ofparty, matt be ru been lent to the wtabat andfavporee aflhoaawbo direct that machinery. Itmold, Indeed, be a moot welcome change, if anycaaaUnaUoa of order-lovlnftdtlxeni ooald breakp tba dtapotUm of party and Infuae a healthiera ptrlt of political Independence among onr poo-pie. We think oar people ara becoming tired oftba dictatorial authority astnmed and axerdaedby those wbo ara called party leadera, and If areal rerom moreraent were commenced by menrneaa aaatirea tbe people would not dhtrtut, webeUere that It would reaaK la a largt measureof tuoceea.e Mow KealxiT IwCamol tba new reglitry law tbe reghtran oflectlont appointed by tha BuperrUori, are required ta meet ta-morrow (Taetday) at nine o'clock A. it, In their eereral dletrtcte In tbeplace where the election b to be held, and thereproceed to mala a rtglatry of th rotera In thedistrict. If tbe number of Totem la tbe dtatrictat tba but aleotlon exceed four bouded, the reftlatrara may alt two day. If the number waalea than four" hundred they can alt only oneday.Tba reabrtran are to oraanlre by electing oneof their number chairman, who (ball admlnlatertba oath of office to tbe other two, and one ofthetwoahan then admlnlater tbe oath to thachairman. la making out tba Utti of registeredYotera, tba naaaea nut be entered alphabetically, wth tha ptacee of reeMenee. II la, howerer,made tba daty cf the regiatrara to enter uponaald Uata tha name of all pertont realdbig la tbedlatrict, wheaa namet appear an tba pollllat oftha laat general election. 1 he tame rule appUeala ceaea where new election dlatrict i have beenfonnedVtbe names to be taken from the pollIlatef the dlatrict or district out of which thenew dlatrict hat been formed.To proceedings of the Reguitrart are to be open,and objection may be made to penwne offeringto Teguter their name at voter. In cltlrt, the1 egtalrari matt alt until nine o'clock, I. M.elaewbere they alt untU 7 T. M. TheBegUilrarmay appoint a clerk to asnlut them their andMl coraprnaatton being tbe aame a that paid tolaapectort of Election. They bare alv all themaguterial ower of Inpec'ore, a to preserving order, d c Frm Won la made in tbe I aw fora aeoond meeting of tbe Regiatrara before election day, ta rerlae the Had, and to add omitted names.Tba law tt, In aome respect I, foggy ; bat theBegtatnri may aafely act on the general rule ofcatering erery name on the pall beta of last eh ntloa, and the name of every f prion who comesbefore them and satisfies them that be 1 a legtlvoter. Tbe rule for dtUens tc follow It to goand get registered though noil- registry doesnot deprive them of the right to vote on electionday. Their right to vote must, how er, be af-famed or mora to by a housebolder In the district. T) arreieaae ImkieaMe,Tux Lmder of Saturday last publishes a longaffidavit made by John CaaraNraR, of Ibo 13thWard, relating to tbe disturbance! at tbe Democratle State Contention, and their authors andinstigators. The subjuct of the affidavit ll tofix upon Mr. IVknamdo Wood and hit friendstbe blame of taking to Syracuse tbe men whodiaturted tbe Contention. Mr. Cauix.ii-kuewtars that tbe first direct ropoalilon was madeto him In tbe Essex House, corner of Grand andEssex afreets, kept by one Tiiom n. Fbkr a;that aald r'sarus told blm Cohn, Wuoim and atot cf tbe fellows were going up to Syracuse, anilwanted htm to join tbe party j that he (Kamiis)bad received money to I ay expenses, and thattime and trouble would be settled for otherwise.It waa well understood, saji the affidavit,among tha men at the Essex House, that FkbXATcdo Wood was to furnish tbe money, andthat they were to txj under command of BeneclaVojf 11kiai, and were to carry out what sryraeuae, the party stopped at a housekept by Mr. llumitK, and there It waa fullyuplsltedtothem by FuaKia, that their dutyarea ta eater the Convention and assist Woon totake possession of it, If necessary, which wouldmake blm Mayor, when he would reward them.When tha time came for entering tbe Convention, moat of tbe pugilists went la on regulartlcketa, Issued to Wood, Ukx Hat, Kan hi andother contesting delegates, which tlcketa, afteradmitting one set, were pssaed out and used bysmother. Cabpesti-.h went In on a jellowsteamboat ticket. In the bell, acourdlng to thaaffldsvlt, tha paginate stood dose together neartba nUUWna, Uesah and r'r.nnn standingcioae to Wood, and pasting orders to them.Wbea Altobd waa nominated for chairman,they aU aat np a load shout of approval. Wequote that part of tba affidavit relating to tbaetrlklng of Bran kks iAlter la. Btstxis bad taken hit place as preatdlogotrioer, sVlvobo still oontoiuliur to pound Ike Unawith a mallet aa It chairman, I atw Woonuckas wtttt bit band to Taouta II. resale, whoywiy went and whlaiiered with Fsasaauo I sudawadlslelvjureafter t'aaai cams to mymit andaidl vmSKSJ t'lo this, (Jouasun. roouatSd WcSi'iKftlA; fr-tad8iavaaa.noor. a d'sUno. i V rS P atlorm down up lueItaVaaaor 2 & i hJC.k"' at, durtogsllthlaun-.' at tbTSi tn 'S'""thrown oH the ton. boiTwaTS"";." "Manal He aUv were etanrting st ua fuu, u Zui'' .eum.afceo at hand, aed XUir arfeUoie T!,?"!,'' rSifec KL h.w wra d a at tbi om., fajwasw Wwmh and to ua throuu Tnoa.s llTrAtlertf OOP had thrown arafiraerTUiestsii, Aa-a 'in aHaawaa sad JsauasBeeee admwd UoaatueWeese to mif raeue bjr tee tn Itala, aa it m- a tad pyacw tab arrested la aa the kne frwutueIsd bavins' bean arrsad thr theouelvxa nosue prtvtuua oooaaton. Uubsbud Wood aoek tblasdvioe. and I went down with blm to the raiirosdUUias, abd saw bun off ta the first train for HtmVie.1 further eej that Coajnaucs Wooua la, of ioj ownsMiriaaVetMlnUmsiafrsaiaiaesueMatif fax-SUN-lrtrrr: Iklld acted lth lie. ell Urt arraeuMthat nil hi toat'ifr, me tterlagataUbanyaiid aome flnf downto New York.Vraa ratt um rriar.By the arrival of Brig Isabel Dearman, Cspt.J Ann, wt hare Tort aa aMnaa dates ta lept,Hth. It It rumored that tha leader of thalast attempted lavolutlonanhaa landed at CapeITaytl. There ara about 23 of tba rsvotationertla Jail, being tried. Some of them, no doubt,will be shot, and Others sent to the HaltedStates. A shock of an earthqnsss was fullsi Tort au rrtnea on tbe I7tb uie, at 7il0P. U.CALIFORNIA AFFAIRS0Atslral of " of Ike Weal.eNKAKLV TITO MILLIONS lit SPECIE.The steamship Star of tha West arrtvel yeaterdar, from Aspiawsll, with tea I'rewUoo data ofthe toth alt, the speole and mails. When lataUlasfrom AsranwaQ, alio broke her akart, and came therest of the way with one wheel.VTt are Indebted to Waixa, Faxoo iCo., and tbarureer, for new favoraTasitraa un araa 04 ma waar.Am riedaese Bk SIT nnniJM. Wattles fVii.A.Ibmui Co ljyul IwaliVf T.Ookuneaai Co SBinaasrenrrR 0- ( IVu MevtnnnoChsa VV. Creshr4VttfheUeaHru aannt)II Coba k Oi .... S0 0(lauui Eonerr.. anrun ,"Oft t-KoM,rSiaeera Oe r MJ iTSeeUn Co. M oaARich. l'.fJnaeaD. Hhannsunet,er Heller 4 Co ... vl.nfh. 4Cs. M........ UAIWWIJsaana. Html k Oa ail inuenin.niuieaue aooonJ,HtraueBroa.40e so ITSlm.40e jom wtaarlltanlik... 1Ja Co.... Wm.AoeakCe.. 6mr)ltMO. P.lasertie... toonth a Co ISain N.iuUdUrDrM.... rv DonTreanaeiiaue..,. lino-j. n Pros VXn 0.w 43.1&01) rs'ebheaMW.... van, VonftMhL Bohnul.Joh.PhsUe .rno llaskrtiOo J7.M0iiin vran..... .,. o rr.enie)aiuo...,.Keeler, ", ma lit SWmj.s Btitn4iTJ.O rsrkerk Boa anoil.ilor. btm. IIrniManonDUO4' frit "" Jf-JK -J54J. pilar Bre.... 71 ivilIt stoat eraoAaams lnnixl at.iM3.nt)& Header sXTjOvI .-..Tha dates are the same a those received by theOver'aiMl Mall. Toe Ban rraaetam papers all omaedrafted In ruonmlnff, and with aarnral aolnran devoted to the duel murder of Senator Baunaauia. aUtie paiUculart of which have Uen full published.The sVewf by TelofrapH.mgntU TrUormph OJU-, JT. at WaO straaf andAtlf Afswas, sex') sulraais.Tbe Case of Bishop Onderdosk.0MrkmvmA 1 4 1 a .. .. ..1......r..,. ..., wv.. m. n ?IW Was !!!jyj ua miwumw iManu, n toe quaHuOQof the raaini aliun nf IU&1itti flM.iBmtw,- ,,A ...uaaa follows rForbUieirtoratlon..... aAalnst las reetoratlon. WW. IIII..II 1 .1 ...a ! ' I .-bla Jurisdiction, la still rudleg.The Ovasiauad Malt-tatter frwaa CaJtretnba.Bl. Loin, Oct. Id. Tbe Overland Mall arrived here this evening , bringing California dates ofthe tad alt,The Agricultural Fair at BecraraanLi waa largelyattended from all jmrU of th gut. Crowds f pn(.IticUna ware aaar mbled there, asd Ika eanvaaa for taeueeavanr to th lata Senator Bsnnaaioti waa alraadvOimimenced. Oe&eral Daavaa and Oovarnnr Wetua appear to be tbe etiongeat nandidatee at present,txit at least half edneen ethers are striving fw thepuee.Mr. Baomaira'a eetaae waa vetoed aa' la eneumbered to tbe sasoast ef S).ooo. lieleu no win, ana it wee eapposru that be bad eve relative! but two persona In Sen Freoonoo, aaned fcvwvD sua and Lew Baowa, e'alaa the estate, be-us, ea iwy aaasn, oouaire la ue aeoood degree.The raclflo Kallroad O invention, eompisMd of delrgatea from all the raeino atetea and TeiTttorie,stnasaton at Ban Francisco, and verr Isrnlrattended. ' ' 'Jomm Drn-nsLa, of Caltforala rreeidenri txrwanaLuna, of Waebiaat-es Terrtver, and Alaxiar1', ofOregoasVloal'reiriJeuta. A vast aouauilof statlslltw and arguments lu favor of the variousroutes, a'ao In favor of the mad Itself, comprise theeutatenoa of the prooeedmg, thus fsr,Tha Barramento Democratlo ffrafs RtaAdtriatatra, ou tba authority of a prominent antt-Lemmp.tonlte end warm uprter of the lata Senator Beosisaicx, that be (Bannaaioa), while In hie room at SeaFranckwo, and Jiiat belore rreelnng tbe challengefrom Taaai, said tlat be expected to reoelvo ohal-iena,e iroiu aieaf ra. rsaav, uvin ana uisTts, eeeiallj, and that he einected to kill all throe of WInfore li avlns for VTaalrniitiin.ttuslneaa was dull. Tbe demand fur ami rVnmthe ciamlry had Improved eonuwbat, but Importersun. uimuh " very ntie.A apeoial dlapatah from Lrarenworth, aaya thatC. Bmiwu ik1 petty reaohed tiiat ettv yertsrdayraunili g, from California vtb Camn tVtvd. TbaCer-taln tfnt.d that bw return routs to Californiaaa bittsr than the ontaatd nns IVitli nmtiNi uatwo hundred and fltv mllna shoiter than the UumItoiat lUiar route, an1 of a much aupertor grade. Itevuuu jiwuij wi mm-, wimiq end graas.CeenlkeUemelelke avaakUgiM pfenwasent.irciAiaofon. Oft 18. rhe nlan to rl fun, I.for the vim pUtton ol tbe Washington Nabon. Moa-iinieiti, utrousn tno nieuiuui of Ilia lotlt Utlltwatbntuirlifiil tba United Uu'ea, hi la fir to betuoemwAil. Hevtral bnwlre.1 rn.tuuuter have aln-alj no.titled liaut Ivaa, tli Raginwr In etarge, tnat theyhave placed boiea within their olnots, lor the recjitkai of ooutrtbutbma, aud It Is liheved that a varyUrn propoiUou of the whole will 00 oporau In theI mieot.1 10111 eiue ofnoea returns for tha first month havealmarvbeeu reoeHtd The ttiwn nf l.vnn. Uui.stand t th WM rf tba list, bavin eontnbntadtKit Whnthlia V.. ettnt Ola. UT-lilni.. at, .llaltimnr and l'ortan outh.V ,T eat h I Nr Yutk,ww -, ..u.irn. 11, wMtrsimrii , va, s mitrttiii.ery, Ala, WlmUor, N O, ai.d Foit Smith, A'k,eaib aUit $ 0( No-t. K. I, Pitt-limn, P,,AuKiists, I.a,(Jriii,J Mw, ua, rredurtckshurgl.Va,lleniaido,Mha,and ruUn, Ark., from$& to H R. tum frura ah ail one hundred othertwna tange fruni B doon to 6 centa.Flflee lleraee Ban-.Ciirlitlr, Pa, Oct. 16. Tbe large new stableatracr. d to tha I mll SiaU. B.nark, lu thlattta-n.adVtr)ed b Bre lam night, tistherwttta 15horaea and a quantity of feed.Its, llieet B-aiem.rorilimd, Me , (Vf. lS'-FHrimKica CoMnicnlAvn, .), gmtof Mta (Inai hem, who hiscone to 11 ak artanaeniaiit fttr ber rfottt in, arlived here yi-et-rnay Inmi Cauaila II ha, no doubtthat Iba struiuei li leave lor I'ott and, at- , lu theiatHritut tkt'juer. Wba ha lelt the C.iruiiauvdid w t rnleitslu thf tfoiiKbt of hi r vleltltig auvoiler iv lu Aim noa tbatri, ttut Pirtland, .heret waaesjiected she ooulj remain about thtee wock.Owwvtrllee, far Mareer as Netvsurej.A'ewwr, (Jet. It Ike Irlel of Pst'a Macuh,fta-tla inurrwr of bin eut'er, Us Masr TnBasTv.inth bth Wrd of ILia citi. on u evkiiiiur of th.i Qthof May lent, a concluded tudar at nnoo. Aftern tiring lor a iloittui-tbe Jtir- returLed e verdictf f Hj of inuid-r Tb prlaon-i1 listened In thicnu ii t v vera'ci nninnven. oenmnceoTd'iatbwill be pronouneeri on Monday neita ef Me-seie SIaraa told imii ivi i". Th- -.... u.- 1 . m. hv si......, n.rvDHivrrom rittitlH.iK, nil k t Kt er'a lauding, 0 mill-valued at tlo an, slui40.Tl eteantar Bruwttl ta turned at IllnoJy Ialsnd,o(iiMte this eitjr, this morulng. ttuaa acsitOo. ju.sund.Art sat wl a Deranlt.r.Boflim. Oct 15. Isaac F. bnarAanwas sr-reetttd to ifsv f 1 s def liathm of B1& OOil In tha f ttn.1o' the V pit 'a Kive Ceut Bvng Bna, of wblel beTteainr II ailuiit the charge. cVeoulatiouIn land aa tii oaiue.I pro au pllrathai nf the Dank Commisaoners,tha auMeui Court t t-dr Uwurd a tauiorar luJuucU n agauut tlie rt.J' fire Cut StvmssHank. TL lUuk doe on y a limited boa nee. The. 1 -i,uii. itauaa ot the cur are in s aafa and BroslrouaoiilitUn.Tke OMter Ulaad raat,avrT.-4o.j.j,,i. J5. 4j0,rn.c Mokiiaw harlnrSi Uu K. Atl.ttv. vueueral Tanti. lor hi etnl.tnlalivr to I,e dleputed Jii.l-loUon ovar ),la aid, IttiMteu the Hutu nf New Vo,k an I All. ru.v (I wtil.ln, M. opiiitnii uthf Inland cleeitf baionii to N Vurk, aud thatMw Jen baa u Jurtadliiiou over Uidisautadk-rrltuty.Fit la tsixv,, IIICKieayo, fire broke out jesterdayBoor i g in a nilliiuery atore st the corner of at u,and rit intepin srrvets. IHaou, III , and befor II oou'dbe siirtduid Iwrbt hutidiun i-jttiiptrd by builneasliueia wtre dastieaed. Lnaa, sail MM luauraaoa,SWOOO.llui i Ka-tacky.Luuttnle, Oct. IS. On lbs Wtwdburn course, , 11. it I.AK) waa wou by Hr.A sXAaDLSaL.twi,u KniuikyiVir Ooi lionets eUr-rur-sfirii,,,. 1 wo (r UitUt heat weie run In 70aui a i-sFatal AecsaV-ls. 1kJ."-0".'' " "" "H HoiraAof Ton.", N Y , -aa 1 mi, o.rf.h, u. luerutnc. at tjhetk m uIV ?? '"- eaA?wl7?ItmgtlzkLZ' :;.d8vV.:,a? w,u" ,uT !-, a,, ttu.B u rraukltitl wa.ktl.tlthu, s'tem.01,. by failuuj fro aTsTta Uffees striking upon tutwUrf. ",U,UM anaenripus, rsrti. ve sv w' s. u(sient.. ...... ll.ligatehrBry so nnn Oonrtir aMl'Cenner lsiTJHiiHCs.... fOoulB ITaWaa ais,siJ. IJ.OMh'U jbno'IlK snotxaeiace MnoiiA. S .TlUew-j.y., j ;J0 Z. Rleelela k Br. JOOoO. lf1.kll.IA UM. Iilfu l...'.- ! . .ry D.i.niiuin.Mrrn nail, in .rtnrr i'lVIT ft 71.. 1TBMEUROPEAN AFFAIRS.Atrlval .f Ika Nettb'BiUoa-. 0 -Four Says Later IntolUeaco.DEATH Of MINISTER UABON.r.irihet roml, C. E., Oct. Ifi. The tteamaWpNorm Brltne, fnan iJvevponl Wednaaday, the Siblo.l., pawed tbla pU at at I o'eloek this morning, onber way to Qusbee.The fcure,, from Beates, sod Angle iaxosufronifjuaoto, srrivid at liverpool ua tha eta..... . J" ""on tmarauaoa.An tha six Plalptntiia were preent at thaOonfersnoe ea the Id, st Wtdch artieles ot pesowere read over. The Paris ratrU resssertt that thepeace treaty wflf be afgned within a few dan atZurich. h treaty wtn oonflrm the eewaott ofIjomtardy anr contain a snttleenanl of lb lomhardrdebt. That wt L three loatrarneau of peaee-tbeBne) batwean Frenew atad Auatrts, aorAher betweeeiFraooa end Sertla-a, . sod the laird Utween tkthree rowers. Central Italian afialrs are to be settled by the Congrtse. ,The London 3"mi ha another sharp editorial onthe Baa Juan dlfflctiKyi It rejtilcea at (leoersl Soorr'imission to tbe Fastfkv and treat ta a peaceful eolu.Unootthsnw-ttos. llobarseaerlie Uetxral nawxi'a piusesdkig as enesethlag waw In militaryscltleeement, end denMaeae ta nllbuatertn- sodIswtre paoroUeit of the etdevprlae and itafltttrerUadar. The 2Vms argueethattbetnely undoubtedlyglvts the lataod to Kngland, and oonnaola tbe American Government In an frtendsblp and sincerity notto rrtnlKter to the smUltmi passion t of any man orulass, by oroteatlng lb righle which epitoar toostrong fur Sophistry ta overturn.Ihe KetriMi papsre puWIak aa Interesting letterfrtan Koseatw, ex pressing k eensst grief at thaViUafnneeavreaitimntei tbe sanment when theeellvaraire of hi country was within, reaoh. lie aayl bereturns to England again a poor tills, only ten yeanolder, frtra titter pasta of taeprxstament. Ha derives some consolation, howerer, from the events ofIhe war, and la etnmtwiened In the conviction thatHungary will ystb free. He states that so Instatedon a double attpulstloa on behalf of tba Hungarian1 runners of war who were enrolled under b I banner,vts , thai of amueavy, and that of eieniption from further Austrian military strvtoe, France hat obtainedthese oniiditlons from Austria.1 Tbe rattle for the telrwraii from Aden to Kurrschee had ten dleratched from liverpoi, and waaaspersed to be laid by tha middle of January, whenoontniiinloatlon between Itnndoa sad Calcutta willI completed. The length nf th new shipment lalbOHkn.a. an.1 tl.a MlM,t4nl-na -n..-,l ln k- l .hkrh stste of i-rf. otl'tn.Tn Earl of Jervey had died la London, aged STyears.The dlnctnra of UiS flreat Bseternhave finallydecided that th abrp shall not gn to Southampton,but leave Portland en ber trial trip October B,arriving at Hoi bead about the lltlu If thetrial tnoreasrul tt la still Intended to da-artch the naselto America en theaotb. Wopen.era av to be take on the trial trip. It I said thatthe mathMim namber re revolution shall be otAsmsdf ram both sauriasis be ire proassdlng to see with pea.sengers. IJurtue; the trip aroea tha Thames the peddles never exaseded Big snd tha screw II revolutionsper minute, and to obtain th maximum speed, thpaddles must gn 14 revnlnttona.The London trandera strike centtimea nBadfuated,and arthouxh the master profess to hove tea thousand men wcektMT wades tha terms of ths AanV SosUety Peersratkas, taattoro look quite threatening foe aeonUnuaaee of the strike.The Ttwtss' City ArUolstsyt, Th Fund openedon Tuesday without animation, but there waa a moreconfidant feeling before th does, the purchasesduring (be dey ware rather numerous, and the SanJuan alfnnUty seemed no longer to receive attention.Tbe continued Inflos of geld to tbe Bank bkswteoneutralised every adverse ooissidsretloa. Tuesilsgbring ths fourth of Iks month, ths ped-ensiits werebtsvv. The traoDorssr demsad for monsr haa nowtbUrely aulatldad, and the boat peper can now bt dlsonunled with esao stilg percent. Bail way there,Ac , continue dull but well supported. rna lattermention an Increased demand for money.1 ne wenepor snip viarm, warn nearly eou ooKuera,wlvee and eklldren, hed a narrow ssoapa f roea wrackla the CbanneL she ran on s rock, but got off andreached Hveaoujth, leaking badly.The Time aays that agents of the French, Austrian, and Bardlelan Governments have been aol lettingtenders from ths tassUng Kntl'sh Iron founders fora very Urge uusober of rtfied oannon.Lord Oowurr had quitted Parts for flour Its, In or.Vr. it lasald, to arrangs with Count WaLswsii fora Joint expedition to China. Another authority aaya,Ih visit has referent to Kngland' policy regardingthe proposed Congress.eferadNix,aajoliiietbetrapo at Totdoassskwned an order of the day, wklob waa construed Intoan sdmtaalaa that peace wa net likely to be longStslulsined.The Loudon Jfrrabft Farta eorrspondnt aayaDiAhlf g Is teerd on every aid but preparation forwar. Not a atngl man In tha Freneh army has yetbeen sent borne an renewable fuiloagh, sod onlythose entitled to discharge In December seat barobtained aV Not s single ship has bssn '-ryintHiit.ana actlee measure of defence ere rtrngieaauig at thsports. Haatvaaa similar taotuit of opsratama InAuatiUaodBardlida.It was rumored In Paris that the Chinese ant! Europeen movement had extended itself toJstn andCeetiln Chtua.A Parte tab gram of the ath, brtsfly announces thatMr. kUsoa, lbs American Minister, died en th Id,of apoplexy.(leoiiral Utaseusnx bad relumed torsi la fromBelgium.rrstv.The Sardinian government bad ami a drcn! tracesto Its rrpreeentstive st Enroan Conrta, ft eoaamnnicannn to tha various governments. The doourmnt forcibly est forth th arguments lu tsvor of awrang and ludaiwndent klncdora of aipr Italy, autBclrntly stroi g te keep In check the domineeringtendauoles ot Austria. Such a But would. It lamgid, tisuqulllt ths mind of Kurops, and fulfil thsdrat wishes of those Italian oountriee which havtlately shaken off a tyrannical government.It Is aseeitcd that the Top, on bearing the aaiwarthe King of Bardlula gave to the deputation fmea theKtanaa-na, ordered that the Serdlniaa Minister stRtstte aball be tendered hie psasports, and III further reraated that at the news of the oaawtlon of allUtteroituree betwten Hooie and Fledmoul, a collisionbit sin ths Bwue aud neutral stations took place stCsti.tllcs. 'The onlabretlou of Mssu's death at rdnlid teseveral arresta, and tome itriest ar aald to b inpi una.The Savoy oeoae and Sardinian standard had beenhnlatsd onttie old Pslsoo st Floteuoe, aud also on allpobho buildinfta.1 be MoloirLa rrovWonal Oovernment at Bolognabad Imued a decree, etatlng that tn future every nub.lie art she I be beaded thus i UrsUr the reign ofhis Majesty King Victor Kaaaaosu" Tbs Tuseanydecree of aUk nature war promulgated. aetsI4i hd been reoatved wltk enthnaiaatn a, a.iL..littler from haplee eay the King bai offered toleuu troupe vo ine rope, u oonawiueuoe of tat withedreel of the French.Tbe ril coaresptaident of the London Jmtaays, tba Italian aflalrs are approaohlnga crisis,snd refere to Ih Circular of the BardlnlaaGovernment, aid nuoUa tha ordar of tha Jaw.purt lamied Ity Oenrral Faan, the Camaandar-ln-(3iinfof Crntral Italy, who promise that thsTil-oior of Italy, preceded by Ilia old Cruse of Savoy, will precede tbeui In the fresh battles, and willforen r f ne Italy from the stranger.Uaatiuauiaaa also baa led au address, summoning the Italians of ths Legations to anna. A missioni ahmtly eiprctod, and eame think It will be produced by the Itpal troopa Invading Bomagua.iiuu.Ths Krsperor waa eiwcted at Warsaw on theltiikofiXKoliar, and H waa reported that ths Kutn uluieters in Knlaud, France, Kustaa aud Austria bad received 01 drit to meet aim there for conferuoce. oouaxarui. nrxuioawoa.Liaaorooi. Corroa Mttsrr Ths sale of thei-l-S-, ?" In the Uwrnois Oaton Market weret. 000 ha ea, of whloh S 000 were to sveoolelur end0 BOO to esitorters, Ths market oltawd steady butirnti t, with boUters offertag freely, tlunurb. netpnesIng salea-Middling Orlusins, tdl Mlddina Vo.landa.A(d.. rirrsts or Txaw. At Manchester there was butlittle iaquiry for goods, aud prloes were weak, andpaitlally allglitlyloeer.Isvstrooi. Uasanenmi Wiv.rr Braauitugibads daaunlng tenth Oct, and price were eagklly losear.atrera for enra. Flour Is quiet asd Sdale lower earaeok end barrel. Wheal Jaolluadtd.I. vearwoa. Paovisioa Maaaar-Baaf atady. Foikdull but steady. Baoou quk-leasuoa Moan MaaaiT. Onso's clossd on thsath st tXt.; tor money snd aoeount.Asasituot Stocks Sales oriUlnota Central thanat SAeJA dla 1 Illlnot Central Bevena, Mbj , Now York;Central Bharea. TOaTtt Kris Bharee aaAi do. Id mortgage Bonds, pea&Ai and other bond 16a).t)nlel( TrwtluiaT.Kahmaioo, Sftch., Oct. 15 A great trottiagmstch for tbe Cltisens Pun of $ LOOD ceme ot thisafternoon. Flore Temple won in three haste, -n--tLbest time on reoord lilX, .W, l.lx.Kassss sued ihe Kstglleh HOT.Tba Washington eoneapondent of tha Baltimore 81m eayt 1..1?',.fc duci p. T1 Va generally knowthat Congress felled bkmtk any aproprlatksi fortlie puiuta of enabling tea Oovemor of Kansas tetake a ceuaue of to lapulatltw. In oompllanoe withte etaifereuoe KitKiiah bUL Ths pooi. rejeeted theUcouiittooiifjar. and ware entitled to the altomata. IttePrcalJaetbadreoonuneiidodte Ooaartseau eniroLrieUoo f. the purraaM of takln- thaoeosus under ths fcngl sh act Ths sum of )ltet eutbi aoed in the eattmata for this object BidCongii, for some reasou, netleeted or refuaed tol a Ihe Therefore, tt bacsm Iropiawibl forKansas to ooo,iiy UU the terms of the Lrurllah1 Igaored by the CongressUiat aaedllk V, . Bteauxaer Water Wltcit.TE following It an extract from a letter raeelved In Newark, M. J from one of the crevfof Ibo Water Witch, which left N,w Xotk tomellmeslneefor8anJuaa. The letter la dated atvV llmlngton. fc. v., October othi-I have bad aewt to give von concerning oarvoyage. On the 23th of W month. It IDo'clock at night, wa encountered a heavr exitSail waa thorttned, and at four o'clock la themorning we were obliged I cat away all threemasts, and test Ave wen overboard. At tano'ciroa are throw everboeii all oar stores, U er1r to tight np tha ship. All bands wen, kept'iteedlly at tba pump. On the , Ant day wataw two tall, but tbey took no notice of us.About four o clock, 00 tbe morning of the thirdday, tha captain, acting Ukf s m admin, earn)eaiand ordered all fcarjdt to pny which afttgood enoogh In Itself) ast if we bad left thepampt for that impose, oaf condition wouldhssMly bava been Improved. AH boat warelott lb ,firtt iJgbU On tha 3d Intt., at tA. It, wa oommsneed 'to bolbi a raft, and ato'clock wrMvnebed It, A look-on t TU ItAtkmad forward, and to any greet Joy a tall waaSoon descried, which proved to be tba sehooaarJ.T.WUlUebosndtiTlflnitegton.N.0. Wwere taken on board, and received tha kindesttreatment Cram tba crrw. Wa wert worn ontand sick, hevlng had m rest for four days minights. We arrived la Wilmington to-day, andwill be lent ta tba baspltal aa toon si they canmake preserstlont for ut, Wa wlU probablyget onr diechargt bare. Soma of onr namberare badly braised, soma have broken legs, otherslirokea arms, ani all have an (fered mors or less.We towed our ship Into Wilmington, bat abawill never be worth much, if earthing at all.-She " broke ber back " In a sea-way. CaptainCCRTU. of tha schooner, deserve great praisefur tha kins' treatment bestowed waoo n whUwa were under bla care.CITY NEWS.Grand Firemen's Parade To-Day.rrobeuay one of ths moat Imposing displaysof the Firemen end their spparatus whloh baa everbeen mads hi CMs city wOl tskt pltos bdey, ThaBremen are to keenly tenattlvt at to tha good Csmand good appeal ance of their respective snglnsSntlenntrlbateeoUvlBhly ta their dtooratlonl and sppUaaees, that prtadpelly upoa thai asoonnt, th thlWUon Is msd trUnnU Instead of annnaL FromIt nnfrequenry them It necessarily greater alfrrt fora grand alurw, and a mnch keener Interest 'rnanlfisted in It lbs n would otherwise be the esse. Ourdtlssn may therefore be prepared to set somethingtruly worth their attention, even In this very fertilerprch of spectacular wonders. Ktw York growl sofast that an additional population of near two handled thousand people hat grown np tinea the lastparade, and whlls business of stl kinds It progressing beyond account, ther la this Urge Increase cfrtripnletlon to Jcln la the event, and to become witntsaet of It. Tha following are the parade arrangement, Ac. Iroassnoa or omrrssias.Tbs several division will form as follow tFirst Division VlartlnsT Comiwnlaa. west stde ofFifth snnue, right rsatlsg 00 Thirty-fifty street.Second Division New York Fire Department,east aid of Fifth avenue, right on Thirty-fifthstreet.Thirl MvtsWo-Eest sids of Fifth avanus, right onThlrty-Mcmd street.Fourth Division East aide of Fifth 'aveunt, righton Twenty-ninth street.Fifth Dtvtaton Keat std of Fifth avsnos, right onTwenty-etxth street.Btxth Divtatoo-. Eaet tide of Fifth avenue, right onTwenty-third sis set.Seventh Division East skis ef Fifth avenue, righton Twentieth street.Eighth Dtvlabsi-Eaat aids of Fifth avenue, righton Seventeenth street,Ninth Dlvkrlen On Fourteenth street, Bouth tide,right on Ftftk evenee.Tentk Dlvlaloss On Fourteenth street, right onSixth svenue.Seventh Division On Fourteenth street, right onSeventh avenue.tora or aMion.Tit prnssstlos) wiO form on Fifth Avenue, andrtrooeed down to Fourteenth St.. thsnos to KlckthAvenoe, to Illeecker t, to Broadway, to the Park,and pee tn review by the Mayor and Oonamon Osandl, tn front of th City Hall. Up Chatham street toKsst Bmadwsy, tarntag hate flrand St., and th Downy, np Fourth Avenue te Luton Square.raoouKm or nooxatioit,Chief HARRY HQWAKD,Grand Marshal.Aaslataat Engineers John A. Cregter at John Baulch,Special Aids.Tbs Bne vrlll meet and b formed at ten o'dnek, A.M-, on Fifth Avenue, ta the following order 1riser pivisio.Assistant Eosnser John Decker, WauAal,Ylattlng Companies.ssnoeo arvanow.Aasbrtant rnglneer Fater W. Cornwall, Marshal.Cut's Hartford Brest Band.Open Bsrooohs, with ex-Chisfs I siath Wsnmaa,Jamea Ouiisk sod Alfred Csrson.Ex-Aaalataat alugtnaere.Assosistioa of Kumpt Flretntn.Board of Firs Commissioners aud x-Flr Commls-aionar.F.xempt Engine Company.Officen and Trustees ef ibo New York Fin Departmeat.Mew York Fire Department Banner, In charge ofHarry Howard Hook and Ladder Company, So 11.Orand Maisbei end Bpedal AUsTWhltworth Braes Band.Eagle Hoae Compaey, No. 1,lludson Engtne Company, No. 1Mutual Hook and Ladder Oomp1 ana isMiaer uomnenv.', No. 1.Mew burg Brae Bend.Excelsior Ragine Company, No. t.Niagara Hoae Compoey No. I.ludrpendiMiot xtote Company No. t.Troy Comet Band.Nlsgara Engine Company No. i,Marlon lltwe Company No, 4.rrotectloo Engtn Compeny No. S.nin mvinoM.AsslftUnt Engineer Ellaba Klngdand Itarahal.Turner's Braae Hand.Amerloue Engtas Company No. I.New York Hose Company No. 5.Crotoa Hoes Company No. t.Yonker llraaa Band.Lexington Engtne Company No. T.City Hose Company No. S.Chelsea Hook and Ladder Company No. 1,Hlmrgold Brsss Band.Rmggoid Huss Company No.T.Columblsn tloa Couiiteoy No. V.Sing Sing Braes Band.Manhattan Kngin Cotnpany, with tender, No, 5.Llbeity Hoae Company No. 10Warer Wttoh Engtne Company No. It.votmra nirierosi.Assistant Engtreer V7m. T. Mawhey Marshal.SHU Reateient Bras BandMai kto iSuglna Company N. .rhreulx Hot kj and Ladder Oocapany No. 3.Tompkins Braae Band.Oceaaua kngtns Company No. 11,Minute lloa Company No. It.Oullck Hose Company No. 11.Oullck Brass Band.Knickerbocker Eagtna C anpany No. It.l-ecle Honk and Ladder Company No. a.Mlddletown Braes Ban.LEege Engtne Company No. IS.Jackson Hose Cmpaoy No. 11.Oovemor' Islsud Brsss Band.Columbia Engtue Company No. tt.Tompkins Hoes Company No. II.tJirhtti Rfgtmrnt Drum Corp.Atlantic Hue Cianpaay No, la.Chatham Engine Company No. II.rirrriMrieiOM,AjwUant Rnsinaer Timothy L. West Ifsrouai.Natkmal Guard Bmat Band.Esoelsior Hose Company No. It,Clinton lloa Cootpany No. IT.Wannsmacker's Braes Band.Mohawk Engtne Company No. II.Franklin Huea Company No. 11Union Bras Band.Union Engine Company No. IS.Latayttte kuain Company Mo, It.Liberty Bras Band,East River Engine Company No. IT.Lafayette Hook aud Ladder Company No. I.Notth CaroJlua Brass Band.American Uses C-anpaay No. It.Human Use Company Mo. 10.Waanlngtoo Nawark Brass Band.Washington Engine Company No. M.Uadson Hose Compeny No, ILetxvai tajvrssoauAssistant ategmeer Edw. W. Jsoobs-aasrahal.Union Braat Bend.Union Hook and Ladder Company No. I,Frotecter Engtus Company Ma tl.Ferry Hose Company No. tt.Harftord Brass Band.Finton Engtne Company No. tLUnited Statu Kugtne Company No. tt,Mtobanloa Uk and Ladder Conlpany Ne. T.Kulaf Bras ilaodTrhcsnls Hoae Company No. tl.United States Haw Company No. 10.Fort Washington Engine Company No. If.Turfs Btsas BandJackson Eogtae Compaoy No. ti.Butgers Hose Company.aiviaia arvuios.Asalstai.t Engineer a. Joseph Buck Marshal.national Draw Band.National Hose Company No. M.Neptune Hoae Company No, IT,Cataract Dram Oorpe.Cataract Engine Company Ma. 18.Fieri Um Oomoany No. Id.Faolfis Ureas Band.Pacific Engtne Company No. tl.Laurel Uoaa Company No. M.Band.Urt amove Uo Company No. tt.Empln llook and Ladder Company No. I.JaBereoa Bcaa Band.JenVraoo Kagtaa Oompao, Ne. 84,Futuasa Hoae Company No. ILaVihlnaonBraaa BaudOiaudlau Eoguit Otxnpany No. tt.Index Uoaa Com puny No. It.Drum Corp.North River Kngin Company No. It.Narraganaett U0J1 and Ladder Company he. II.Axaurleni Engineer Joun Brioe, Marshal.swain s ureas itena.D'tck Joke Engine Company No. It.Adrian Engine Oompany No, ILUacksnaaek Braat Band.W arras Hoss Oampaar No. II.Saeitoa'a Brass Baad.Itiwerd Knatue Company Mo. U.Lafayette Hoe Compeny N. It... SohlAWt Praa Baud.Columbus Eogmt Company No, to., Albany CtTnetBsnJ.'VTaaulngton Uooklnd Ladder OamaUy No, 1. 1Tra Issntast's saastae Caaaaaay He. IT.ManaUns Brass Band.Harry Howard engine Company No. 14.avu uw unuaiij no, sv.t..i. 1- m : nTf. ,III1 Oceana Hoe Company No M"TTiTrankUa tngine Company No, 9. iQti wrrm nrvtsmn. 'Aattstsnl Engineer Danisl Donnoven, ktarsia1.-- Meyer's Brest Band. .? tfsdlsrmtaose Company No. FL ' itady WasUogton Esgtns Company No. 44.WaTfsce'sBrse Band.gouthwerk Maglne Company No. M.Alert Cos Company No. 41.FVtynfth Beglment Bran Band.Amity Hen Company No. fkManhttaEaiaComianyrlo.U.Stewsrt's Bras p-tj.Friendship Ueok snd Ladder Cosipsay No, 11.Mseepp noot Company No. tiAdkln't Brass Bend.EmrAr Hoes Oompany No. 40.Fooahuntaa Engtne Company No. 41,CSnton Brtsa Hand.Clinton I iHrtn Compeny No. 41.Fionter Buee Osnpeay No. el.tsars titvniow.Assistant Enjrlcoer Wmitm ILickii Marsh.Dodwcrth't Brass Band.Emrsr Kngtnt Company Mo. 4t.Washington Irving Hots Company Mo .Kyera Braat Band.Lies Oak Engine Company No. tt.Itecbanlaa Iloet Company No. 4T.Collega Folnt Braat Band.Anns a Engine Company No. 4S.Amerlena Hose Company No, tXCsstla's Brass Bond. ,Tsllsy Forge stagtne Company Ko. te.Bellof IlseeCompany No. U.. . Boha's Brsss Band.Mtrlon 1 Hook snd Ladder Company Mo. U.ludlnsUiawConspeaylio. U.DvumCocpe,Kateppa Engine Compeny Ko. 48.Naiad IluatCompaay No.M.Msyet'e Brsss Band.Hope Hoes Company No. Ett.Harry Howard Hoae Cuaapaaj Mo. SO.auvaara amtaM.Assistsnt Engluver Stephen, MtteheO xfanhat.Cerolllon Band.Columbtsa Book end Ladder Compeny Ho. IINasean Hose Oomraay No. 64.Empire Braes Bend.liberty Kndnt Oompoay No. R.retreat Uoaa Compear No. M.Nsss'fl Braae Baud,rsuldins Uoet Company No. 5T.Mutual Lsln Compouy Ne S LBand.M. T. Brennan Hoes Company No. tt.Manhattan Hook and Ladder Oompany No. 'I.Adklns is Baad.Zephyr Hoae Compass No. ILIon Uoet Compear No. CO.Dadmtth' Band.Baxter Hook and Ladder Company No. IS.Besides s Urge array of visitor from tha oountryand from belghboi lag crUa,th following An andhose oempanlet from abroad, have signified ther intentions to be present:Delegation of the Chartestnwm fatassacbasetta)Fire Department, Ameriran Engine Oompany No. t,of Newark, It. J. Esgls Hook and Ladder CompenyNo. I, ef Fatereos, R. J. Damper Bngmo OempaagNa.a,olIartrbrd,Conn. Kirarjold Hoss CompanyNo. L of Newburgh, N. T.i Hostta Hasina CompanyNo. a, of Buateo, Maatl Bexbury Engine Company,of Roibury, Maas.1 Crockett Hnuk and Ladder Company No. f , of Newark, N. J. United Uoet Oocnpany No. 40, of Fhiledlphls,Th most qiesdid and costly banner ever exhibitedIn this or any other oily, net the noiwatnn by being pseseuted this morning, tt t o'clock, to th FirePepertment, at the City Han. It will be carriedthrough lb dsy, by Hook and Ladder Go. Mo. ILIt 1 of heavy double silk, nine by twelve feet hiatx. Ons sids I of ths bast bins Italian aSk, knowns th Maria Louis quality. The tableau on tbs faceafttnbraoedlnanoval,and consist of a representttonofawldow and her ohlldreu rescued by a Oreman. The goddess of protection, riding upon thealoud In the back ground, I presenting the key efth Fir rtepartment to Neptune, who, witn hit TrLtons, an aw vltlng orders upon the brink of th ate.Charity It placbtg kt ths baad ot the widow moneyand points to OornaoopU at ber feet, aa the earnestof future plenty. Below are soms of ths tymsoUoalomblemt of the department th who! appear surrounded by clouds of amok, f roes, the summit ofWhich appear two smiling cherub. Th principalInscription 00 th foe It 1 uNw York Firs Department, chartered March 19th, 1TVS.The obverse elds cf ths banner la, palsied oponroyal purpbsils and sooststa of a repetition of thissstsniilall.u of th tallowy fa-oloada, la thcontra of whloh. la a large oval bearing the arxea oftheeByofMew York, most nnlqnely formed by therope that drags an angina. Above, tt a medsUoncrjtlnlngavlew cf the Firemen'! stonomeni InGreenwood Cemetery below, ore tha remainingarchies at I types of tk department, ksstiat representation of the certificates of membership anddismissal ( between whloh, at the bottom of thbanner, Is a hydrant two lengths of hose, attletlosOy Introduced In the whole picture. Themottoonlhla slitt U 1 " Presented by ths CorporaHenoftbsaty of New York, October IT, 1139."Ths cost of th banner haa been ILC0Q; it haa apolished hlskory frsme aooompanylng st, wtth gillIron work, fringes, tsssels, Ac , 0V0.Tbs monument to ths memory of C. A. Ajmxxsow,UU Chief Engtnsar of th Mew York Fin Department, executed by Tuosst B. Grooowm, bat beenerected attUpUoeof buslneaa, Fourteenth streetnear Eighth avenue, the route of the procesdon, andI now rtady for Inspection.Fine ra FRoar Sntarr. Shortly after eighto'clock on Saturday evening, a An broke out on tbaMcond floor of th premlaea 195 Front street, oocuried by Dasun. Swaxar, dealer In raga. Ths namessx tended into the upper portion of No. 19T, also occupied by Mr. 8., aud fiora tbenoe Into 2J, occupiedon the aeoond floor by Mioaasa. Cosirs, carpenter,and on th first floor by Wat. Uaoo aarr, Junk dealer.The An waa, after much dlffloulty, extinguished bythefiiessem. The lost la rag amounts to ahoul11.000, and insundln ths Tradesmen and NewYork Fin and Maria Insurance Companies. Thefirst floor ot J95 U occupied by A. T. Bssuot for thtstorag ot barraia, and hi loss 1 about HO. Insured.The building, No. Il5, 1 owned by Mr. Moose, andb damaged about I too t Insured. The loot on thaatock tn the premlaea Wt, amounts to about tMO,principally by water, and covered by Insurance. Thecause of the An la unknown,Faiak Alas or Fiaa. Tha Seventh Dlatrict alarm at IJf o'clock yesterday afternoon wasfalat, being occasioned by s dens tmoks which proceeded from a atovt In the premises No. tl Libertystreet. An attempt 10 Cleats a figbt among ths aromas while in liberty etretl wa forbid by th Second ward PolicerounoAL. The Tsmmaay Assembly Conventions wen held, U tbi etty, en Saturday night,at which the following nomtnstloaa wen mads 11st Dlatrict, Wm. Bums Id, CkrurUao B, VToodrufll 4th, Wm.C. Clovsi ( Cth, Baud. T. WebsterIts, Solomon BanU 1 lth, Thomas O'Ruurks I Wh,Jassee T. Duu 11th, John Hardy ltth, AndrewSmith) Wtk Feter Mstereon loth, Thomas Fisr-ou i JTth, Wm. Harris.Ths Convention In' the Id, Bth, 10th, 1 lth and 15thdistricts sdjwraed without making nominstious, toaeeet tale week, vtebatvr, of th ath district, sadDunn, of the Mb, had been previously "' ttrt bytUMoaartera, WoodnuT, of th Id dlatrict, 0 lover,ot th 4th, and Mastoroon, of llth, wen member ofthsltlsseilily.Sabbath Uxxtcio A meeting for thapurpos of devising means for tba mora general observance of the Sabbath among the Qormane, wetheld at the Cooper Institute, but svenlng. Speeokas,urging ths bnportanc of a proper observance ot theday, and pointing out tht evils of disregarding It,wen made by Kev, Dr. Ahasu, Kev. J, c. Oautis,and Dr. Fbujt Soatrr, of Mercorburg, Fa. AboutL6O0 persona wen present,Pnoriwsoa Urrciiax'a LxCTirmxt. A. newcount it oommeooad this tveulngat th Cooier Institute, of which the lest te lecture an to bl given by Hewer Waao Bsaosas. They wCl be wellworth hearing.CoarrLATirra of ovor-crowdlng, at tha lataOvnnso msnisge oreu.crio,bav1ng been numerousU I stated that then wert but 1.500 ce-d prtnt.df jr admission Into the Osthelrel, esd that OS wentto distant States, or to Europ and Cuba. But1.800 oard cf ad-nlsemn to ths CaUieciral wan laoued. The Cathedral bat 1 40 tlttingt on th groundfloor, and over four hundred la the galls rise, withstanding room In tha sides for over a thousand more,o that then was no over-Issue of oard for th ceremony. Tbon wen but 1.034 card preesnt i at thedoora, and If eeoh card admit isd on averan of twopanics, then wn but lilt p'ona In the building. Mot ee much of a crowd, after all.Tbi wtatber for aomottata past ha, apparently, been, engaged a Initiating a to wlatar,wimout-Uytngtts better bond fully upon us. the weather we btstorly oo'd. Ike tksrm asetorrengug'kt. 44 dep., and tvan a IBtU wwt Setitrda wss Utter, and It stood high as Ti yesterteoiay was a medium dsy b t a cobj ,atoing, thetharmmaetaa ranging Uen at and below efidags,Tun DavaTTOMs, at tha French Theatre,pnrtwey.tttoajts Mato'i,n wtaatsg tbatr wayemrU'aarafy Into poblle ftves, by taekr pleadag"Froverb OpersVTldsenttrts&mnt,stthcgu newIn Ametloxvdataa Yrom an earlier fotlod ba thaopen laaalf. Cardinal Mstas wa the Brat to Introduce fA Oxr Lovft from Italy Into Frenoaland It wawMratarlrial ravtlme aneVw liovu ZIY.,from ttroomrhenoemont of hit reign nnttt tta adventorigin. During Ihe reign of Lent XT., the OomvtenMBsatrreelaetvd JVwesras" fat "TaaisataatftHMtls," (hence their origin), and the tongus ofenvy ssy to show off kev beauty. Thessct of fr(A ntotnetU having acted In proverbe" eontrary totbowtahssufLotia IVL, who blaasg her before theentire court, bl historical.Tba rag for "revert was oooe So greet tkstatveralof th Ulleral i of Franca acqotnd oelebrUyby writing abort pUyt for lico, and rven f Arrs per.sons, always taking some popular ado7, or dictum,aa th grcendwork, upon whloh.thslf play waa constructed. Thee wan performed after "Ice petitootrere." Many of tha salon of th nobility werebuCt with view to the perfurrsenot of tbtet "xferl plays." Thut far, tht attendance at tt comfortable Bttls French Thaatn thowt that these pleyawO bt much hi vogue.TbbTJ. S. Bevenaa CutUr, ITarrUt,arrived In tbi port Saturday noon, from bar searchfor the Quaker City.AitAJrrteoin pr etentsrlon wu mtdo ea Mdsy evening to A. V. Brorr, Cbsmberlsla of thadry, at his new end splendid hows, on tha Cornerof Madison avenue and list street. The occasionwas the gift to blm by tha Metropolitan Folic of aportrait of himself, bt token of thslr appreciation ofbit generoisitnotU bt their behalf a thetlmethaapt roprlatlenlor the Folios pay gave out. Tboportrait la a An aw by Eixton, and handsomelyfiamad, tbe frame representing a policeman' badge.Beneath It It tht flowing' Inscription I "Freeenledto Asteutw Y. Srorr, Esq , by tha Metropolitan Polios tn the city cf New York, for tht edvenoement of1440,000, which he generously mads for tha paymentof the sVartts, without Interest or consideration ofany kind, at a time when the approprlatloa for tbeDepartment was txhauatod March, 1330."Tnat bark Theresa, tVotn Haracalbo, arrivedon Saturday night, report, Id but, Qsosoa lame,of South Wait, 11. II , fall over board, during a ga'eof wind, fall from tha foretopeait yard, and wet Vet.Conuaanloationj, Ao.Ta Daits: HahMatth. Sunday, Octoberlt,lHW. To thtJMitr TK Ausk Sit t TheKpen having oontradlated the statement of thise Bell Match with th aD Kngland Eleven, I wUhto explain the position b which! stood at the timethe ahallsng was given. . Tbs aU England Elevenend aussifhed WaUsdslvsl a meeting ssefaeeeetsV He tag msdsrstood that the nbailaoge was tobo a profound score In Fhlledelphia, for (Asressew, that the Ba Ball Clobe ef FtaladalphJ hadtfcna sod Una sgsin, nqnseted them to plsy amsscfa; K wee refused,, on the grounds, that thEleven bad onlv Urns to tlv one vaans. aad thatta Msw York, knowing that the beet and greatestwomnerorprayeTt were to do rouno. uera. TnBase Ball Coaveaiionm make the mstsh wtth the allKngiaid Eleven, wlU be bold U the Union Uetsl,liberty street, Brooklyn, Tuesday evening,October 19, I960. Respectfully,W. R Davis,Agt of tha au Kngland ElevenIn Baa Bali.Tna 'AriJUxn Co.'t SntAstsnip Btm. Waen Informed on good aothortty that the reported caseos see Aitem vo. eoanws ion uaiwer stteamsaio vouInwhlohltappeanMr. OssmST,of tha rWtwM, laInterested aa a esfendant. tar ne war ml Is to thepre ent Atlanta Koyal Mall Steam NavWretloa Co, otwhloh the American Ex rest on the ageaUandwhich, under the sUe management of Aba. HoleLiLSav Esq-, hae thus far enjoyed full exemption fromany flMVsiltlet of the nature alluded to.Xiuvanta, Aooidaatta, Ibo,Tnn TrxTii Ave-ce TJoMictDK. CoronertVenxaxa held an tnqneat on Saturday afternoon, atthe ttd Ward Folic ttatloo, upon th body of JoanM. Zaxtax, a nail v of this (tale, thbtyyeare, wbodld from tbe efleeta of vUenot louetved on Tnsedy oveahig, aa alkged, at the bands ot Wh T.Matiu-m, a stage driver. The onry wttnew of rheoccurrence wee Mrs. Mia, Panes, ot BM TenthAnno. Mrs. Flo tettuted that at eh wa pea.tag tbe corner of 43d street and 10th overuse, abasew dons Sid lesnlng against the Comet of MoKnv't store, at th same moment MiVxsxo earn sp43d street, and oak turned to ooroer be struck dooassedasoewrfalklow. Deoeaard fell backward,striking hit head upon the pavement. Immvilitirly after the blow, Msvsuas erossed th street, towhen I was standing, and passed down 10th eveno. A peilosmen earn up, and I informed him ofwhet had occurred. He went to deceased, and soonafter after arrested the prisoner.Dr. Oaoaaa W. Boetun tettlAsd that he hadms4e a post mortem examination, and found asverel brultes and the marks o? vtoteooe on thebody ot deceased. Tbe Injury whloh esassd death, heaald, Wat afractun is? the ekull. The ees waa thengiven to the Jury.who rendered a verdict that Meoee.ed rame t hi death from blows, and a fall oocestonedby W. P. Marsasn, Oct, 1 lib, 1SS9." Ths prison.wss txsnilned br th Coroner, snd rJeeAed n.,1trullty" va reeard to ta charge. He le a native ofru Aiuaoa, vt as yean or eg. The Coroner ordend blm to be locked up to await th action of theOrand Jury.D it own ed James Dailet, a native of Ira-lano, eu yean or age, while walking upoa the aidsof s boss, st pier No. T, E. K., on Saturday evening,accidentally fall overboard and wa drowned. Hisbody wss reouvered, and Coroner St aisssa held aninquest upon It Verdict "Accidental drowning.'Fatal Fall. Coroner Scrtrmkb held an yesterday, at No. S39 Tenth annua, upon thelady of FaraicK CcnNieuHAH, a native of Ireland,BT jean of age, who, while partle'ly Intoxicated, onentsiy nisni, iou uown a mgnt oi esain or bis residence sod sustained a fractun of tha skull, whichcaused his death. Verdict accordingly.Folio lataUlgonoa, tto.ALLKOKn OoTRAaKOua Swrr-T-u Or Qebma-iKnranA-iTa.-t.n Wcdneedsy laat, three Germane rrom tha West, named Justr Mi Lisa, UutionBiTTXua aud Joua Klstt, arrived In this city enrout for Usvrr, and on leaving ths can loll la withons of tb runner of th- alleged notorious smigraatsalndler, Eaxiorrr,wha keeps sn emigrant boardinghouse la Cedar street Tb nnsnepectlng Oermesswen enaduotrd to this place, and, after being quisledaa to tbe extent of their meaea, wen coadiKted teea eaVee when they wen iaduoed to pay each $JSfor steerage passage ticket to Llverpnol In the ehlpAustralia, rrpeaantihg t the time tost tbs vessel waabound for Ham. -Their baovatea waa than hittM-lalawrd, and they ohsrge Qist they wtn fleeced nut ofto loosen, vf ajiaioav.ror a nirat'altxlging.tes andurrvaisM. sdptwtuiawon waa ,u u vain, rneuarortusate victlme. It IsalltsML wara kvmImI writ. hr-llananass, and when noa of them, It la charged, onfiudirg teat 1 and hi oompamona had been dupedIn regard to three tloUata, tlueatened to apply to thepo Ice for redress, aud waa actually lacked up la thebosrdlrg house to pnvent bla dang to. Tue othertwo, however, did apply at the Lower Folioe Courtlate on Saturday afternoon, te Justice Ooasou.v.but tl .at magi st rat deferred giving attention to thecase until tbie (Mondey) morning. lu'tns mean timetheir bangsgeU on board th Auetrh 1, and the la tosail to-day. It Is aald that wtthm a faw days at leasta dotsa other Oeimans have been stmllsrly swUtt'sd.Tb poor 0rmaa who is aUVgsdto to have beenrobbed by them aome moothe ego, and was placed Intht louse of detention aa a witness, was eaUVoVupnalest week to testify In ths Qonoial Sessions sgalustEaaionv, but ha bad beoon.0 a maalao, and tha trialbadtobepoavponed. Fortunately three German barfound a friend In Mr. H amass, the German laterureter to ths Lowsr PnUas Cuuit. who lu mmilfoe them food end lodirtnff at tha Hhakaanaara irnSal.1-AbaV JOSPTlctlf bs-ing kindly off. red to taks care ofl inm, they ttemg entirely deet,tute. Mr. II. ha alsoapnian to me uerniaa Booiety, u lake th matter Inband.Toowa DcBOLABS Two boy, each 11 yeanof age, named Joan MoOovsse and Joan Dexnr,wets arrested en Sunday, charged with breeklug Into th bouaaof Lsusd Mstat, No. 60 Kidge street'tJiSiwa'tt-rort-tfromSiafO. Th prisonsn admit.a westing ins money, nut tiefifna ths burglary.Justice grant kicked them np.PAsaiao CotnmaraiT alovar. A man callbig htmaelf Jaaa Hataaan, was arrested on Sun-day, onargva wtth having tha previous eveamar paaan) a counterfeit gs bill on the Meoheoica Baas, ofnew ua,en, cxrnn VJassi Bvastrea, ot no. 1 Mstroeetnet, and another en Ltwu Baser, of No. fitOread street The eooused wss taken before Jus-uee bvbss, aad com ta urea tor trial.a ALLcoao Foaaaa ABaxaTrn. On SaUurdsr -uurulns! Asa W. OoDrxsv.ofths firm or HOonraxT A Boo. No. M Sprue street, siipeartd before Akteraan Baanv and oomijelaed of having beenswindled out nf a dosea patent laat her aktaa by a manteam ataasa u. Aios, who on tos asy previous. It IIalleged, bad dlapatcbed a young boy named JenaM Tisas,frim Jersey City, with an order purporting to be from Mr. WV Duiaaa, of No. 01 Neaarkavenue, to the place of bualneae of tbe above menU'ned Ann, to get th artlolee. Tbey wen dellvendto tb boy, but wen never reoelvedby Mr. DeJtsnm.Bwt wa ateeted and committed to the Tomb.A Botrr.xan riiTtiaAS Attoxo AootiokrxBs Dr. II. Sobdtc, a physician from NorthCan Jit a, 6u Bnmrdsy momtn while going up Broadway, bail tie arteution called by the Muing, gutmr1which aoundfd loudly f-om No. 101 Broadway. lieentered the sture, where, It is alleged, be waa windied out of tloa. He corapjslnrd at the Mayor -floe,and offlner MoAnacn atiooeeded In reooveringthe money, with tbe exoeptiou of lit.ALLxotn AaaAoiT wmt a St.00 Bhot.A man named Case Faasaaoa, waa amated onSunday, charged wltk aaaau tie Enw. Kosass. sndstriking blm uiao th bead with a elung anot. Wheabrousbl before Jostios Snaws, tbs 'wuaed staledtbaThoand Kosass twd a rsuskeod tumble fight,and that tie latter wkraeat klsTsrodagaUud I the dd..walk.and no atung suit, was used upon him. Uewa held lor limlnflnn,Barrai. oaaaaiT. About S o'clock yotter-idt morning, a ssaa named Joan Ossxtob, wentUts a ruBsy ta Wamlngton streaA, partially IntoaJoved, aad wa than aat npoabyagang of rat-Bt-r.wa beet blm terribly end than prtabed.hkaihaWtheiAnwt. He was fuund by a pull earn in endtea on to the New York Hospital. The rufilans have.tfeUwwtOSVtaAntt,faTAnaKft n Aw Amir f iw'aa Ifetm aN0.STT Third venn, and Jon CAUAtua, aad afight on Saturday hlghv dtlrbuf whloh the fOraser,?H1,4?!!!5 ,- " b hisadvarssry, tmf hot fVtally Injured. CtUMkm was awesteaVand Justtot,((TAcxawa-raa locked aim op.' " 'tt.; r.iiBeeurd rf rtnrnflnooi.The Board hold a modsl rsswdnw aa, a-.ia.-'aftemoon, end doalgaattd tba pit tea tor boldlns theeleetloa polls, in soma Instannea, howwvar? theroard tailed w eonrnr with ths Brord of Aldermen.Th Dap Dock wa added to tha 1st of otBslal paper.A resolution sprmpriatlng 1 G00 tb repair FultonMarket was adopted. An nnsouuwtrul otttuiut waamad t over-vide the Mayor's veto to ta rtsnuhV-nannulling the leas of tha. Braid rn farrlaa ta sfaaa.BOLB and othara. Tht Board then djoara.IKa Tblrtl rag far rnrthot- Itawa.tb Wunxows Bovwwnm cTTataa?.htn. WlVKLfrar. aw aa..i... s -XtTmplXaJUiUMrw swatr wMaaasae wet BSwtsatOf Tsttattss 10attVnlag tha ram. reowshag on .stWxatef-a rata'anr aU pain, and It tan tarealttat-aawetaaj'lka;-wwdtTentt,Mstasra,lt wm area ratt la piaettliataairsaamsswnawrwriawaa-, ataatHfaatatnaatsatoa, aV.erywria.Flwas,osa.afEwoan'asTo. JSawixo iUomwm 100 .Vif lartMo. 1 Sewing Machine .sat C 'sraiiyretwmgaiachmes tO0UW llnrrdngO-M-ir'ws4t. 44 IIa vr wm HWH.1WM1 purpose nnMxa a BLaoamraaan wtthoal toy rival la Ihe market.I. If. SUWEI A CO He. 4bS Braadway. R.Y.Mo. Its FultM , Brookiya.BAurt"i TtoccnrsnaowaT' T tn i m 1 1 it oitisin rni Trnnitss natwraagLtnrnra . IocK-aitruaiOmoat, 481 Broodwar aad iiw BttttriTcWDRXi inn Tsutu ,UI. TtwA-wfla u taOrr t vss Dtwrwa, beaaUfuDr repeatoa Ihle rvealag" HastojM's Moat as , Sataa is puis played this a-. aaaniiiaiiii wawera iiy ,na laaie IFr-raxa A LTOtt".SxrwTirol KAr-errgcWs rranted to give terteer silcattao than assy etherMachine la Ikttaiarki t, or money refaaSeo. .N.B.-rxioa Kauouas vu ao. N. aet B-aatway.GENERAL NOTICES.Aaaaredats-n of stxsmsa strtatiw MantwOwwin aleentmet cornea ot Nheveus MMhsVat MMiiuUrirHrklrmi Ja-wH-iili-i 1-p"Ki.:vY?y-tht.'ais us uresiiyn reer-tota, waahrastoa st, whea thecuneheAtdfrtswiMrwt- Ti wtwIpsefXai .TOI ' C&OtaztlUUTttiUtmt?FJeiTwvrery-e Otatate-t. .Hew-eew h psaat J 4 aa aatldot 1 the erastin e'eor. tomar. eesteer er sere, 4U wt. haaaoea thst whlah aTanesstsallam snssvea vr ws rafuswee g tn Msl'ea lesTs7TV.nroKBAXVfAYSDBVrUa.KOWALWAYSBOBEst.Msuxy faoallleathosahl of kavlawWS&S&SX'Thiiw.siVavreu, llanras1toi;anatrmStoo'sloak, IMPtoe 1RoomTMaelM. MApiEWS. VleePreetdeat.&wrwwsiw imilwlT,ffaatli tank Wotw lathblrlAt s meeting ef the Tsmmsny Hallvav,tov, uera as so noose at Owna, Third arnet Tl'OMA. FAtsbtl assudesenalr. A Osea.-ilWTSt'-f4UCarnWUMBa. T9 OWvttwlhw lqMl.AJ.rTH,6'N,YATVlWhkrc-wa-Ill's Lwdaw, We. fll, f, O. of O. WMembers of Ihe aseva lodethe Leese reeev Ninth and Nertburgh, on Montfsv. lTth lost.taav wioeas ei nspees k&11ISL1 Swihtrii-HM.Mtpstten4. ByevererUIlNnYS.ajUdaTaBT Oan'HTN.O, KOBEKt BUAOIILU aWyTnTT Tot Pay-flilltaalih'e Oheag. Witohs. Caasw-ei wiu eoBtmwsseiau oar, aurias toe ear aoa evenUs. st lot Bresdway, ear rranhlla at, Terase (ert hie we. k only . 1 1 OOfor tfor pnplle of eu sge; prltIVU B. QOLDssUTU.tne eourie ec tea las-ivele mtruetiea ginisutn a. ooorstet,IXJaOasgiONKX OF Dltrw yoke sot owntm.AueotUn--nekstlee T Jersey Okr(ga maettv gef the Meeeawlee Oeard of J-reev Ol-v. heldUuehooMeCUAlU HKHCKLa, 144 Deaarkrmsps knsiga, Jataei Degr,CtlAow Park, St'tea Uiaa.wheutsNlt far wkhThi wwepeer prred Iew 1 lalir. O -t. WHh. alltbe oewtaaav en reqaetsa.1 ta w ten ihe reeelar assaVlas to be bale en Tne radar eveniaa. tba Iota tawtaaLat 1AJ VslAaavta, aaewA lTea mtimti m a.alaa gwrn awwwrnaa an v. wfT ganjtats, awVrttasstsah 1st ft. -Tllllssss1 nit rat, to as- thetsn- eeeaaaes Metber, JOHNif alatar lota,tVTr ivr,,at kaufaaar eveuusr, lilt ism. saMi-wlsselllrsrs verelerte.':-Ctrla.Butla T. Bedlnei Osderly, Thema O Mahoevi 'at L'eal. Ksmunil leMlUc M lleut Jaeua Hafwn Id Uaat aa-u.avr Dnm 4th. Jaraaa lMr. Join OenamarTorw for tmljlj Ttqlidtseadnlvotua of tbe UHh, llth, ltth eadlMiaidr, In favor of ika eleetloa ef the abwvs vaaiHeta, ih lavltaa t a-ai a meeting ea Waioeedarsvculna.thsivihlnat,ar l aeloek, u 1U lewart.eapoaUs BrooaMi it fjveral lentleaea will aSSrwaIheB-eethie Brevdevef iemltt FeUlm S 'SMITH. FRANfllS Julll LUCKYR, UUSBl.MLKXneK. JUI1N OOOOKlCU, MluHAKi, O FIKUA,all 1111 "DEATHS.BL'CKTY-m.Snaday morales, Oet 1sVk.traIan end painf ol UlneasTItx, Elisabsm Bwekloy, ageion tavvuss to otasm the I o'eloek, from tharenienea elkar sawba.lawtjJa tie Ka.psa, Mors Aveaaa, bttweon etaaadlthete. MerrUU. IUOiULTBR-Oa rtelureer. Oct, Utk. at I !-, P.M. um. slfacr Wm a, Ooullse, aged Moara, ituavtltaod lldara.. The trtenaa awe tMsilutantm ar rtayittraliy tnwuifV?J&. ha foaaral. oe Taaadev saoralaa, U la'eloek. frees bar late resides., II Chatham at USCTONpOIUM-n Setarear. Oat, ISth, FasrlekCvnslrham stvd 0T rearsUa, .frlauda en rauttvrs an rsn,itfnr "vttai toattardth fuoeraL tbla iMwde'l rtaraasa. a 1Me'eloea. from hi Uks raaltiaM-. eat Twain At.w-k"ZH rwnalaa will be takes to Calvary Cimatsry (1 lTCUPATXinc-On the ltth last, Wmiaaa Klsevfatrtck. le tee SlMh ve-r of his stJW' " mU rua-ettfeny lovttal toeObad the Auwesl, a TeeetWr erWnooa, at t .from kk, ut itsllsain, 111 aistbervr st. wtthoat farJ her o wa. U 1 remabst wlU be taken to OalvarrCemetetT for Inlarejeet, 1FTTZFaTKirK-Oet, tftk, T-vwaaa rKaaatrl sx, aTiilaj t-rrtti -r u-Far-1 -ag-g-iamin, ssfWi ytBasA-Vwllta frtraila nil a .l,.i .,, ----- - -ted t ettsad the foiwaal. ea Taaadav aftaraawa, ikhfrtet..t e-aUck, Ireankia late tesldaoes, ittTjaaattfrtastrxt,ifTXXKtm ovrrH-Ia Brooklv-Oet, lata, ot 4!rinahreisuKawllell Fsmssorth. 4aa hterefor ine eralo. Katella U ramaeorlJSanaday.anaaurysarsseeiva, asaren, 1 moot aadTe friend ef Ike faaaflv are rwneatfaaV Inwluatlaattend Ike tuserai. thla (atoadat ) alteraaew, at tealoei frootlPraaswotst, MemannnislMatal ateteaMP-rs a'eaee tony, HIIFNAntrJm8leu-v, EUaa, tbs balsval slatOf Patrick Leoahwa. aget f searUerfuaenl wtus. tswathU(Mwaaat)alssaiiiw,at a a-alaae, trees 'Ot. tMt rt. The .ralatlrei Ttuadtriand sn tetpaeJell lavltaa to tlieod. IllMALiiNsrr-OaaWadew.taak hast, titer a Usssr.u tUaeM, Fetrtaa asoloasT, aaa t yean aed ITherelatlv and rrteoesof the fa-aBannsa-foliTmvwe it sUsod th fsasraL a Taasaar afbwratlMe-elosk, freaa tU lets rest IssssTsit WSMUNSOir-Oct.ltih, Mr. XJward Msn-ea, a the18th ytar a bla aae. luMeK)N-ro Savday. Oei. loth, John Hsary.ssaof aad Charlotte auKses. swl I aaaathe todw try ,Tto frlewo of the famOr an nasestfauV hulatl. toawena nh iwsh ssi isiaeteari ertermeeo. at 1Colors, re-lolr, treat the nalilosts at his aaieeta.IN Wat iHUi t iwT'the funeral, tale (Mender! sfteraeeo.arfBTnfet- ISta. P.lrl.kSleesa, a wetlve atalawd aa OS ,mh.Tnlilease la tba OtweW Oota, "tiHI trt,n and raiatjeiai are loae,eali lavtsad taattendUfumntltkle(alw.vaaraw,at-'elk.framhJabUrasatewe 04 re wiht lPTUB-tTeUrs,eastajdr eftsrawto, Ota. It,Jerwalah Thar, aaso OO Wslwk. lb carrisga will weal tka d Ks lt Waller. aied I . i sr a4i?as m"m "TTi r-1-" -Vi ti i la 11111818818 of las ta-elara tiaeassraii mvitsd te sfiat ta fnaaul aha.eadu I avvahss. at f Walask.hi rMeets, V Ustmw . Hi ramaiaswtii be..vJL . Ttib trill 1A M.-l- TZT '. ' Tream Has raaUawe efuvw ii.ii wainiwr suaday morning.en re.IUS5JYalBDTX TH TADS ABD HATUKALts--a--t.f-l-l-nOKTMolAM ta-Xi aftKtaaa.ttmtltttls)wan.wsaJtdtAsm;wtakwat tsaas-taa tawkaAT attrust'J;4a"s?i"iit'iAu
torchlight 2 engineer tank build