Instead of manually assembling this information, use a project status report template to streamline this process for you. That way, you spend less time on unnecessary data gathering and more time on work that matters.
Updated Final Project
So, how do you go about doing project status reports? Be sure to create a clear structure you can use consistently for all future status reports. You should also make sure it matches with your project brief to keep your report on topic.
All projects run into roadblocks. These can come in the form of project risks, unexpected increases to the budget, or delays that impact the project timeline. Keeping stakeholders in the loop when issues arise will help everyone adjust accordingly to stay on track.
Include a short description of the most important takeaways from your project status report here. Keep in mind that busy stakeholders may only look at this section, so include any highlights or blockers the entire team needs to know about
Link to relevant project details or higher-level project information that stakeholders might be curious about. This section is a chance for team members to dig deeper on specifics, or understand how the project initiative fits into your larger strategic goals.
By sending regular reports, you can avoid multiple meetings related to a project (we all know unnecessary meetings have their own reputation). Skip the check-in meetings and save your time for more important work.
Before you update Final Cut Pro, you should back up your current copy of the Final Cut Pro application and your existing libraries. This allows you to move your files to another Mac and to continue working on these projects in the earlier version of Final Cut Pro, if necessary. You should also periodically back up Final Cut Pro files as a safety measure.
To back up your Final Cut Pro libraries, you can use a system-wide backup solution like Time Machine, or you can simply copy the library to a dedicated backup drive. This is a good solution if you're storing the original media assets in a library along with the associated events and projects (managed media). You can use the Consolidate Files command to collect external media as managed media inside the same library for easy transport or archiving.
You may also want to archive a master media file of the final project together with a Final Cut Pro XML export of the final project. This XML file has text you can read that describes the edited sequence in the Timeline with all of the edit timing, asset references, effects, metadata, and other information available. This is a much richer archiving choice than an EDL and makes for a more accurate and complete re-creation of the project at a later date. For more information about exporting an XML file, see Final Cut Pro Help at
The National Cybersecurity Center of Excellence (NCCoE) has released a new final project description, Mitigating AI/ML Bias in Context: Establishing Practices for Testing, Evaluation, Verification, and Validation of AI Systems. Publication of this project description continues the process to identify project requirements and scope, along with hardware and software components for use in a laboratory environment.
Managing bias in an AI system is critical to establishing and maintaining trust in its operation. To tackle this complex problem, this project will adopt a comprehensive socio-technical approach to testing, evaluation, verification, and validation (TEVV) of AI systems in context. This approach will connect the technology to societal values in order to develop recommended guidance for deploying AI/ML decision-making applications. This project will also look at the interplay between bias and cybersecurity.
The initial phase of the project will focus on a proof-of-concept implementation for credit underwriting decisions in the financial services sector. This project will result in a freely available NIST AI/ML Practice Guide.
In the coming months, the NCCoE AI Bias team will be publishing a Federal Register Notice (FRN) based on the final project description. If you are interested in participating in this project with us as a collaborator, you will have the opportunity to complete a Letter of Interest (LOI) where you can present your capabilities. Completed LOIs are considered on a first-come, first-served basis within each category of components or characteristics listed in the FRN, up to the number of participants in each category necessary to carry out the project build. Please stay tuned for more information.
When a chapter or appendix is updated, the date in the footer on all pages is changed. If the update is limited, the revisions are denoted by a vertical line on the outside margin. If the update to a chapter or appendix includes changes to policy or if updates are extensive, a Manual Change Transmittal is issued, and the date in the footer will be changed to match the date of the Manual Change Transmittal
Some hyperlinks in the body of the PDPM may become inactive or inaccurate when link locations are changed. Click below for a list of hyperlinks from the body of the PDPM with updated link locations. The list is organized by chapter and appendix.
As of August 12, 2020, the volunteer transcription phase of Anti-Slavery Manuscripts (ASM) is officially complete! To celebrate and acknowledge this monumental effort, I wanted to share some statistics for the project as a whole. I also want to share information about the outcomes of the project, including what will happen next to prepare the project data for inclusion in the Boston Public Library (BPL) catalog.
Beyond the transcription task, you also spent a significant amount of time communicating with one another, and with the project team. Over the project period, volunteers and research team members posted a total of 16,971 comments across 8,121 talk threads.
Registered Zooniverse users (who have been added to a project as team members in the Collaborators tab of the Project Builder) are able to use their Zooniverse credentials to log into ALICE from their browser. There, they can view a list of transcribed documents. For each document, reviewers can see an automatically-generated aggregate transcription for each line of text on the page:
The project will explore the use of machine learning as a resource for online crowdsourced transcription projects. This project will be supported by a Digital Extension Grant from the American Council of Learned Societies. Read more about this project on the Zooniverse blog.
Early on during the ASM project, we ran an A/B experiment to test the effect of independent vs. collaborative transcription methods on the resulting data quality. I blogged about that process in September of 2018 here. That test resulted in a peer-reviewed paper, which is publicly accessible here. To summarize, we found that collaborative transcription resulted in significantly higher quality results. This was measured by comparing the outputs of both efforts to gold standard transcription data. Crucially, though, the paper also acknowledged that transcription quality is not the only determining factor of crowdsourcing projects. New tools are meaningless if they result in a negative experience for volunteers.
One final (yet very important!) note is to thank the project moderators, an incredible team of volunteers who have been our welcome wagon, educators, constructive critics, and power transcribers. Holly, Gerry, and Jo: We could not have done this without you.
On January 12, 2023, FTA released Initial CIG Policy Guidance updates reflecting changes made to project eligibility in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. The updated guidance helps FTA manage the Capital Investment Grants (CIG) program in the near term while more comprehensive CIG policy guidance changes to the evaluation and rating process can be proposed by FTA for public comment, then finalized.
The CIG dashboard reports data and the status of milestones for New Starts, Small Starts, and Core Capacity projects seeking funding. Information is updated monthly based on progress reported by project sponsors to FTA's Office of Planning and Environment.
Sponsors of CIG projects should also become familiar with the transportation planning and environmental review process requirements that apply to projects funded by FTA. Find information on the transportation planning process and the environmental review process.
As we enter the colder weather seasons, projects and improvements wind down. This is the final update of the season. We will resume this weekly communication in the spring. Please watch for the monthly event and program updates and take advantage of all that Bloomington has to offer.
City of Bloomington Utilities is completing a water main replacement between College & Walnut and 7th & 8th. In 2016, CBU instituted a long-term program to replace aging infrastructure, which has a current budget of $3 million per year on water main replacements. Water main replacements are prioritized based on several factors such as mains feeding critical locations, pipes known to be in poor condition, and opportunities to coordinate with other departments to minimize damage to roads. There have been several water main breaks in this area, which this service upgrade should prevent in the future. This project is substantially complete and workers are finishing road and curb repair and cleaning out inlets.
The demolition and site restoration is complete! The Engineering Department is seeking bids for the infrastructure phase of the project, with construction starting early next year. The infrastructure phase will construct a north-south extension of Madison Street from 1st to 2nd Street and a new east-west street, named University Street, from Morton to Rogers Street. Along the north side of the new University Street, the project will create a linear park with a wetland garden, tree grove, stage/lawn area, and other park amenities. The infrastructure work will support the creation of 15 parcels totaling over 3.5 acres of development land. 2ff7e9595c